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Original price was: INR 990.00.Current price is: INR 891.00.

SKU: PW-3-1-1-1-3 Category:


fish oil bring to you fish oil 1000mg which comes with 180mg EPA & 120 DHA fortified with top grade Omega-3, it may help in enhancing your immunity and helping in boosting post-workout recovery. Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA & DHA) are one of the most essential nutritions that we need to manage & reduce the risk of heart disease. Also it may health benefits for a sound brain & joints health. Our bodies may not produce it on its own, but it can be derived  from our diets. Researchers say, a normal indian diet lacks the average amounts of Omega-3 needed per day which makes us more prone to heart & lifestyle diseases. That’s when our fish oil capsule come to the rescue, if you are not having cold water fish, 3times a week.

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Product Info

Supplement Facts:Serving Size: 12gm (Two Spoon Approx.) Spoon inside Pack.
Nutritional  Information(12gm)  per serving (100gm) per Serving(12g)
L-Citrulline 16.67gm 2gm
L-Arginine 16.67gm 2gm
Creatine 16.67gm 2gm
Beta Alanine 13.335gm 1600mg
BCAAs 2:1:1 8.34gm 1gm
Taurine    4.17gm 500mg
Sodium Chloride  3.97gm 477mg
Coffee Bean Extract (Chlorogenic Acid 55%) 3.33gm  400mg
Green Tea Extract3.33gm (polyphenoyl 91%, Catechin 74%, Egcg 42%)   3.33gm   400mg
L- Glutamine 2.08gm 250mg
Potassium Chloride 1083mg 130mg
Vitamin C 125mg 15mg
Zinc 25mg 3mg



 Ingredient: L-Citrulline, L-Arginine, Creatine Monohydrate, Beta Alanine, BCAAs 2:1:1, Mineral premix, Taurine, Coffee Bean Extract, Green Tea extra, L-Glutamine, Acidity regulator  (INS330) (INS296),Anti caking agent (INS551) Sweetner  (INS955), Stabilizer (INS415), Permitted natural & Blueberry flavour, synthetic food color(INS133).

Directions To Use

NOTE :  Health supplement for intense muscular exertion, to be used with proper exercise


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